Legal notice

Publisher, host, owner

The website and its content are the property of CAPSULE, which has its registered offices at 55, Rue Dr. Klein, L-9054 Ettelbruck, Luxembourg and is recorded on the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B248899.

Users are invited to inform administrator at if they see any anomalies or encounter any problems with the site.

The Website is hosted in France by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix, France.

By continuing to view it, users accept the following conditions without reserve.

CAPSULE also reserves the option to modify the conditions of use for the site at any time. CAPSULE therefore advises users to consult the latest version of the terms and conditions of use of the website on a regular basis.

For complaints, users may contact the website’s publisher at:

Use of the website

Users undertake to use the website with due diligence and not to infringe or prejudice the rights of CAPSULE.

Users undertake not to damage the reputation of, defame, insult, harass or threaten CAPSULE, any of its clients or third parties, and not to use any device sub-programme or software that might be deleterious to the proper functioning of the website.

Purpose of the website

The purpose of website is:

  • to present CAPSULE as a company;
  • to present projects completed by CAPSULE ;
  • to provide the latest news from CAPSULE ;
  • to enable users to get in touch with CAPSULE ;

Intellectual Property

The website and its content are owned and operated by CAPSULE. Text, photographs, publications, download documents and all other original creations and documents (unlimited list) are protected by copyright.

CAPSULE is the owner of the intellectual property rights permitting reproduction or representation thereof. The full or partial reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or citation of any of the above by whatever process is strictly forbidden without prior written authorisation by CAPSULE.

The website is for your personal use for non-commercial purposes. Any use of the site content or any other element of the website above and beyond such private and personal use requires prior written authorisation by CAPSULE.

Access to the website

CAPSULE aims to ensure the availability of the website. However, CAPSULE will not be liable for the temporary unavailability of the website attributable to maintenance or improvement work carried out upon it or for technical reasons that cannot be attributed to it. CAPSULE reserves the right to refuse access to the website to a user at any time without prior notice.

Link to other websites

The website may contain links to external websites that might be of interest to you.

CAPSULE will not be liable for the content of any third-party websites to which you might have access via the website.

CAPSULE has no way of controlling the content of such third- party sites, which remain totally independent from CAPSULE.

Furthermore, the existence of a link between the website and a third party website in no way signifies that CAPSULE approves in any way of the content of the site and especially the use that might be made of it.


If you require information, you can email us at

Applicable law

Disputes relating to the website and its consultation or use by users will be subject to Luxembourg law and come under the jurisdiction of the courts of Luxembourg.